Taurus Daily Forecast

Your ability to be flexible and just go with the flow could come in extremely handy today. People aren’t totally sure about their plans, and their confusion is something you have to be prepared for. You could be asked to make many more compromises than you usually like to. These people might be too demanding for your tastes, but don’t worry. It’s a temporary situation. You’ve got to try to see things from other people’s point of view. Cut them some slack.
Think about changing your approach when it comes to asking someone new on a date. Instead of your usual lunch or coffee suggestions, spice it up a bit. Take a chance.
Flirtatious fun is high on the agenda, especially when you or your partner takes advantage of any conversational gambits the other throws out. Nothing gets you two feeling romantic like some witty repartee.
You have an outrageous idea brewing. It may be on the back burner now, but when you give it your full attention it will be downright radical. Expect a bit of push-back; ideas like these can’t help but generate power struggles.