Taurus Daily Forecast

There’s a switch today in terms of communication. The people who usually get you right off the bat – family, friends, favored co-workers – aren’t going to know what to make of your suggestions and ideas now. And the people who always seemed to be coming from the other side of the spectrum from you will know exactly what you’re talking about! This is perfectly natural, and it will provide a nice respite from the tension you’ve been having with these people lately.
You’re a wizard in the kitchen today, so put on that apron and get cooking. Invite your pals over for dinner, all prepared, of course, by you. Tell them they can invite one or two single friends too.
Be a little more wary of problems at home. If the two of you don’t live together, rely on each other for help. Otherwise, you might need to seek assistance elsewhere for now.
You find being the boss around the house to be somewhat distasteful. You have enough of that, on either the giving or the receiving end, in your financial life. You get to set the tone. Enjoy a kind of laissez fare attitude at home today.