Taurus Daily Forecast

If you’re inclined to stick to charted territories and familiar faces today, feel free to do just that. There’s no need to keep exploring and pushing boundaries all the time. If you don’t do anything new now, you won’t feel like you’re missing out. Some of your more social friends might not be able to understand how someone can say no to an exciting invitation, but the idea of not having to meet anyone new is going to be mighty appealing to you!
New friends equal new possibilities, and they’re very easy for you to make now. You never know when a friend might become more, and keeping it casual at the outset lets you get to know them without any pressure.
You might be feeling like nothing is happening in your relationship, but you just need to be a little bit patient. Small changes are taking place, and they’ll soon add up to something significant.
That nagging voice in your head is telling you the right things. Besides, it’s just plain getting in the way. Put down the pencil, turn off the computer and pick up the phone. Profits can wait until Monday.