Taurus Daily Forecast

It might feel to you that things are going so well that they couldn’t possibly get any better. Yet as of today and for the next few months things are going to get better. You’ve got nothing but helpful energy circulating within and around you, and you should be able to get exactly what (or who) you need exactly when you need it (or them). Enjoy the great energy!
This situation in front of you could be the greatest opportunity ever or a half-baked scheme. The outcome depends on your approach and attention to detail. If something resonates with you negatively, back out immediately.
You are so amazing today that you are close to a mythical creature. You’re jolly, you’re jovial, and incredibly lovable. Grab your partner and enjoy today as if it was the first day of a vacation together!
You have very little self-discipline today, but it’s the rare day when that is totally okay. Indulge your whims, as long as they’re within budget. You really can’t do much harm so you might as well enjoy yourself.