Taurus Daily Forecast

Your brain is extremely active right now, and it’s urging you to do lots of things in a little amount of time. This frantic energy is exhilarating but also limiting — you will have little patience for the people in your life who can’t maintain your pace. This is a mistake. If they cannot keep up with you, go ahead and move forward on your plans. They’re not holding you back — just don’t forget about them.
Like the old blues song says, “Is you is or is you ain’t my baby?” Someone in your life is awfully good at flirting but not so great at follow-through. If you’re finding this more frustrating than fun, cut them loose.
Listen to what the Universe is telling you two. It’s time to start growing up gracefully. Do everything within your power to become enlightened about this situation before life takes matters into its own hands.
Being the underdog has its advantages. Not only is there no place to go but up, but you have a certain amount of flexibility that someone defending their turf wouldn’t have. Use your position to your advantage.