Taurus Daily Forecast

Use flattery to your benefit today. It’s a perfectly acceptable tool to use as long as it’s based in truth. People know when they’re being fed a line, so instead of going on and on about how wonderful or attractive someone is, just toss out a flirty comment. Watch someone transform from mildly interested in helping you to wildly interested in continuing the conversation. And when you get them in the palm of your hand (and you will), try to be gentle!
Drag a shy friend into a chat with someone you know they like. Offer to deliver groceries to someone who doesn’t drive. Do a random act of kindness. It’s all boosting your romantic karma!
Your commitment to a cause wins your partner’s admiration. Bring that kind of energy to this relationship and there’s no telling where the two of you will go. One thing’s for certain: you’re sure to enjoy the journey.
Don’t just lay out big plans — specify. You’ll win over backers by itemizing more than by using a broad brush. After all, if they didn’t know how to do the math, you wouldn’t be approaching them in the first place.