Taurus Daily Forecast
Seek out someone you really respect or admire and find out how they do it. If you love how they handle themselves in a meeting, ask them for pointers on how to improve your verbal communication. If you admire the way they always get the party started, find out how you can become more outgoing. Whatever you want to learn today, the best way to get your education is by asking someone who’s already doing it well. They’ll be flattered and will start seeing you in a more positive light.
It could be a difficult day at work, and some of it may be beyond your control. After hours, though, what you do is up to you. Blow off some steam and find someone to dance and flirt with.
Sometimes that labor of love feels a lot more laborious than loving. At first you think you can just soldier your way through this, but really, do you and your partner have time for the pain? There’s an easier way.
You know there must be some kind of agenda to your life, but why must it be hidden from you? You have to attempt one thing after another if you want to bring out the general pattern. Get started.