Taurus Daily Forecast
Today is a good day to slow down a little. Take a long, hard look at what you’ve accomplished lately. Count everything, not just the big things. Have you made your bed most days? Point for you! Have you brushed twice a day and flossed at least once? Big points! Have you in the last week or so told at least one person you’re close to that you appreciate them? Really gargantuan big point! What does your list of accomplishments look like?
Time is on your side today. Don’t sabotage your blossoming love interest with too much togetherness. The excitement of romance can adhere two people together like nothing else, so set limits. It’s all about balance. Too much time too soon is a killer.
Now is the best time for you to talk with your partner about what you want to aim for in the future. Your thinking is clear, and you ought to be able to come up with something really good.
Current financial conditions fit perfectly into your philosophy of life. But just why you’re a part of the equation remains just out of your mental grasp. Keep chewing on it. At least it will keep you from being bored.