Taurus Daily Forecast
Arguments can be volatile. They often veer off on tangents that have nothing whatsoever to do with the real problem. Obviously, when an argument goes off topic, it’s hard to find a solution and foster peace. If you end up in a verbal confrontation today, put a bit of extra effort into staying on topic. This might require that you set aside your emotions and not react when your buttons are pushed.
Are your fantasies getting in the way of finding true love? While it’s fun to daydream about the ultimate lover, you’ll get closer to romance if you remain realistic in your desires.
Cryptic dreams may lead to subtle insight into your relationship. Pay attention to recurring symbols and themes for indications of buried anxiety you may have about your partner.
Something as abstract as a number shouldn’t leave you stressed, but what it represents certainly can, and today it does. You’re worried about the implications of your new budget, and it shows. Those who know you will do what they can to ease your mind but not your bottom line. That’s solely up to you.