Taurus Daily Forecast
Be careful about how much you rely on your instincts today. Because they are based so much on emotions — and your emotions right now are rapidly fluctuating — they could be somewhat unreliable. Stick to the facts and if they aren’t leading you anywhere concrete, then hold off making any big decisions. Wait for another day, when your head is clearer. Step back, and give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel today without the pressure of it affecting your decision-making abilities.
Revelations in the realm of love have left you reeling, so it’s time to express what’s on your mind. If you’re simply not ready to talk about it, at least write things down so you can clear your head.
You’re having way too much fun to worry about the future or what might come next. Just kick back and enjoy the moment, and make sure your partner is right there with you.
You have energy to burn. Unfortunately, you don’t have money to burn to go with it. You don’t need it to have a great day, though. In fact, nothing can stop you from enjoying yourself, and your sense of fun is contagious. Expect to be treated.