Taurus Daily Forecast
You run the risk of being called flighty if you commit to something when you know deep down inside you won’t follow through. If someone asks you to get involved in something that doesn’t really interest you, do everyone a favor and tell them you’re not interested. If you’re afraid you might hurt their feelings, then telling a tiny white lie wouldn’t be a bad way to go. Just don’t say yes when what you really want to say is no.
You’ve been busting your tail lately. Take the day off. Grant yourself the privilege to be lazy. How else are you going to get your beauty sleep? This is all in the service of being a better you.
Take time at the end of the day to review all that’s happened. It might help to do so in the company of your partner. While you two are at it, why not watch the sunset? Those romantic cliches can be pretty effective.
You’re not one to shy away from something just because it’s not easy. But the task before you is almost overwhelming. Getting some exercise will help clear your head and keep you from being overcome by the boring details.