Virgo Daily Forecast
The game you’ve been playing is heating up, and you need to boost your competitiveness in order to stay in it. The good news is that you’ve got all the intensity you need to stay focused without losing your cool. Lean on a friend who has been acting as a cheerleader. They will give you the lift you need to keep your eye on the ball and stay positive. The outcome is still uncertain, but you can turn things in a favorable direction if you unleash your hidden weapon: wit.
Tonight, you’d better put on your best outfit and your best personality, because there is a pretty fabulous evening that you’re about to be the love-filled life of!
Now’s the perfect time for your certain someone to sell you on their latest, greatest plan. You’re amenable to new ideas, receptive to change, and your resistance is down. Maybe it’s a good thing!
Someone else’s impatience and agitation make you nervous, but that’s not a good reason to sign on the dotted line. They’ll be long gone once the ink dries but you’ll be stuck with your decision for a long time to come. You have enough karma in the bank to protect yourself from their frustration. Find a way to use it.