Virgo Daily Forecast

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to navigate a very delicate situation: Tending to your family duties and satisfying your urge to climb the career ladder. Well, if anyone can do it, you can. Tenacity, after all, is your specialty — even so, staying diligent may be trickier than usual. Not to worry: If you work your magic the way you always have, you’ll pull it off.
Indecisive? Make a list of the attributes you want in your next lover. Be as precise as possible and see what you can find in the dating apps. You might find a match sooner than you think.
Always on the go? After a long day at work, you barely have any energy for your partner. Postpone a project or two and do something fun and relaxing with your special someone.
You may be losing money but you don’t have to lose any self-respect. You never know when making a good impression will pay off in today’s climate, so continue looking your best.