Virgo Daily Forecast

Bills are piling up, your email is way too backed up, your closet’s so disorganized you can’t find matching shoes. There’s so much going on that it’s completely overwhelming. Well, maybe you should just let it go and forget about it for a day or so. The stars are giving you permission to procrastinate (unless you have something that’s actually due today or tomorrow, of course). Go ahead and let things slide one more day. You’ll be back on track soon enough.
If it’s been done, forget it. It would be a shame to waste your fresh, sparkling, innovative energy on the same old stuff. Find something totally different to do. Explore and expand your world and your heart.
Discretion is the word of the day. You need to be sure you’re able to keep from rolling over your partner with whatever advice you think they need to hear most. Tell them later.
When it comes to money, different ideas are not necessarily bad. And they’re not necessarily any better, either. Don’t let someone talk you into shuffling things around just for the sake of taking some sort of action.