Virgo Daily Forecast
Details are never at the very top of your faves list. The problem is that they take time away from the big picture, and even when you’ve got time to spare you always feel like you’re in a hurry. Today, though, you’re intensely focused on each and every detail of each and every project you’re involved with, maybe to a fault. It might be time to take a step back and look at where you want to go.
Your frankness may seem a little cold and abrupt to someone today, so take extra care with your words. Honesty is still the best policy, but couch it in soft cotton.
The planning stages are crucial, especially if you and your darling are thinking about the future. Just remember: A key principle of brainstorming is that no idea is good or bad; it’s all grist for the mill.
You need to spend time warming your soul. Bask in the heat someone else is giving off. Thinking of yourself as a bum around an ashcan is an unfortunate image with the right result.