Virgo Daily Forecast
Like slowly rising bread dough, your business or career plans are finally starting to turn into something real! This is a day of great momentum, when a little nudge of effort in one direction can cause a giant avalanche of goodwill, positive feedback, and success. Keep talking all day long. The more you can connect people to what you’re doing the better. You will soak up a lot of energy from the enthusiasm that other people show you.
Game playing is generally ill advised, but tonight it doesn’t matter. You’re simply in it for the ego strokes. You give attention; you take away attention; you tease. Don’t let anyone know they’re in too tight with you. Keep them guessing and coming back for more.
Your partner is extremely intelligent and insightful, so don’t dismiss what they’re telling you. You still need to keep your own counsel, of course, but look at their actions in combination with their words.
Ah, the good old days. You used to think your boss was your biggest problem. Now you’re having trouble simply staying afloat. If you miss the old power struggle, engage in it a bit to remind yourself of old times.