Virgo Daily Forecast

You’re definitely in the mood to take stock of who and what you have in your life and what it all means to you. Something probably comes to mind right away: You need a solid foundation you know you can rely on. You know there’s only one way to have that. You need to earn it yourself. This is the day to put your plan in high gear. Get busy. Your future is waiting.
As much as you like to be in control of your life, don’t get upset if your love life doesn’t go according to plan. You did everything by the book, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is playing fair.
Today is ideal for tackling big organization projects. You’ll have plenty of energy, and your ability to visualize solutions is strong. Enlist your partner to help out and you’ll still have time for romancing.
Keep your eyes and your thoughts on your possessions. Someone thinks they can just take what they want if they can’t get it through legitimate means. Don’t wait for them to show you their true stripes; by then it will be too late. Be vigilant instead.