Daily Forecast Virgo 07-27


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re not easy to surprise, and most people know it. You’ve heard it all, memorized a good chunk of it, and read up on the rest. At the moment, though, the universe has arranged a big surprise for you, and not only are you unable to see it coming, you’re also caught totally off guard when it arrives. The good news is that this surprise should be wonderful. Make sure you’re prepared for anything!

Singles Lovescope

Balance is everything now, and this may mean losing some dead weight in order to pick up something (or someone) nice and fresh. Don’t drop it all, though.

Couple Lovescope

You feel the need to spend some time alone today. Let your partner know it has nothing to do with them, and they’ll understand. They feel the same way sometimes. Spend your evening relaxing by yourself.


You are feeling out of sorts. Or are you simply acting out of character? Breaking out of your usual mold is healthy every now and then, even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable. You may find yourself investing in something out of the ordinary for you. You’ll be glad you did.



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