Daily Forecast Virgo 08-02


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

One of your chattiest co-workers might help the workday go by quickly, but their tendency to share too many private details about their adventures could become a problem today. There is far too much work to be done for you to entertain long tales about their life. When they start talking about their latest drama, try to nip it in the bud. Suggest another time to talk, and let it be known that you are not their private audience. You need to get work done!

Singles Lovescope

You’re the person to know today, especially to a friend in need. Someone close approaches you with a sensitive issue. They love your advice, tact, and discretion, and they’re sure to return the favor at some point in the near future.

Couple Lovescope

You’re almost there, so do what it takes to keep your focus. If you find your energy flagging, hand the baton to your partner and let them carry the weight for a while. You’ll soon be back in the game.


You need to stop and take some advice. You just can’t clean up the mess on your own, no matter how financially savvy you are. The one thing you’re overlooking could be glaringly obvious to friends and associates.



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