Virgo Daily Forecast
You’re still chatting away with just about anyone who comes within a few feet of you. The more unusual they are and the more unusual the topic the better. If you’ve been bored lately, this will definitely take care of that. If you haven’t been in touch with a certain someone lately, don’t let that continue. Make sure to contact them, and do it soon. Why would you want to sit there missing them when it’s entirely unnecessary?
Need a little insight on how to woo a sexy newcomer? Ask your best pal for advice on how to approach the situation in a suave and impressive fashion. Your friends know your strengths and weaknesses best.
You have lots of demands coming at you from work, so if your partner’s asking you for something, it could feel like an additional (if totally unrelated) burden. Explain yourself rather than just say no.
Nothing is written in stone yet. If you’re finally one up on someone else, that still doesn’t mean you’ve won a long standing power struggle. Your financial situation and theirs are not yet stable.