Virgo Daily Forecast
No one’s saying you have to shout, but you certainly won’t be able to keep quiet, not now. You have something on your mind, and you’re not at all willing to bury it. Not again. Your best bet is to talk with the person in question right now and, without pulling any punches or trying to sugarcoat it, let them know exactly what you expect from them. If they can handle it, so much the better. You’ll probably be closer afterward.
Feeling burned out and uninspired? Let your inner child loose! Give yourself time to do something you loved as a kid. Recreate recess for you and a friend.
A good friend can provide perspective on a part of your relationship that feels like it’s stalled. It may not come up in a direct conversation, either. The stars say to pay attention to casual, off-the-cuff comments.
A wolf is sheep’s clothing is hard to spot. But a sheep in wolf’s clothing — that’s even harder. Someone too proud to beg for your resources is acting like a hunter instead.