Daily Forecast Virgo 10-03


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A friend’s excitement might be a little too outrageous right now, and it’s natural for you to doubt it. You’re thinking a lot more conservatively, and what they’ve been going on about doesn’t sound so great to your ears. If you mention some of your concerns, they might accuse you of being a party pooper, but you owe it to yourself to call it like you see it, and you owe it to them to alert them to the potential problems you see.

Singles Lovescope

Your enthusiasm is contagious. The stars give you a call, and you’re determined to answer. With an attitude like that, how could events not line up for you? A certain someone starts to seem inevitable, too.

Couple Lovescope

You’re a smooth operator, but your partner isn’t enamored of your social skills right now. The stars put some no-nonsense energy into your relationship, so ease up on the charm. It’s a good time for just the facts.


Hoping and wishing is about as good as it gets. Call it educated guessing if it makes you feel better, but no matter how you slice it, the pie won’t get any bigger any time soon.



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