Daily Forecast Virgo 10-15


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your deepest emotions have been coming to the surface quite a lot lately, and they’ll likely cause you to act in an unpredictable way today. But the good thing is whatever drama you stir up is drama that needs to be stirred up. Don’t hold back if you feel the tears or the laughter coming on. Have the courage to start those conversations that don’t happen every day. You know, the ones where you and someone you love can make real progress.

Singles Lovescope

That saying about taking things one day at a time works pretty well when it’s applied to dating. It’s hard to stop your imagination from leaping into the future after one great encounter, but recognize it for what it is, okay?

Couple Lovescope

Grab a sympathetic friend and bend their ear about what’s going on with you and your relationship. While you have a good head on your shoulders, there are some things that need a fresh perspective.


You should know it’s time to give yourself a break when you can’t really focus on what you’re doing. The feeling might go unrecognized, though, in your determination to wrap things up. Don’t waste time or money slogging on. Take a rest.



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