Virgo Daily Forecast
There could be some more money coming into your life today, but it can create misunderstandings if you’re not careful. If you and a friend are going out together, resist the urge to treat them to dinner. It’s wonderful that you want to be so generous, but it might seem to them like you’re showing off. So be sensitive to the fact that money might be a big issue for them right now. You can show your affection in another way.
You know you can’t change the past, but you certainly can learn from it. Spend a little time thinking about lessons you’ve learned and how you can apply them to your love life. Then do something about it!
It’s fun to dish with friends, but not everything is meant for public consumption. Before you spill the details, think how your partner would feel if they knew what you were saying. Keep your lips zipped.
You blush easily today so don’t try to pull one over on anyone. The slightest remark has the blood rushing to your head. But while you won’t win any money at poker today, you just may win someone over. Keep being yourself.