Virgo Daily Forecast
The chickens are coming home to roost, so get out there and make sure that chicken coop is ready for guests. The sooner you deal with the past, the sooner you can get started on finding an opportunity in this situation. Avoid power struggles with someone in a position of importance later in the day. Your interests are best served when you keep smiling and make it look easy.
Practice tolerance: of your relatives asking you about your love life, of the Universe’s roundabout ways, of yourself. Acceptance is a much stronger stance than frustration.
Sometimes one of the best things about a relationship is that you help each other. When one of you feels a little droopy, the other keeps them going. Sure, you could do it on your own, but isn’t it nice you don’t have to?
You love nothing more than outdoing yourself. But if you think you might end up being mediocre, you’d rather give up altogether. After all, there are plenty of other ways to spend your energy and your money.