Virgo Daily Forecast
Playing games with someone can be fun sometimes, but it can also be frustrating. If you’ve been engaged in a tedious game of phone tag for far too long, today you need to try to put an end to it. Make it clear that you aren’t interested in communicating in any way other than in person right now. It might mean that you won’t be communicating with someone for a long while, but at least when you do it will be a useful and pleasant experience for both of you.
You usually love talking, but right now you might be wishing for a bit less discussion and a little more action. Making the first move at least sets things in motion.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, let your partner know what they can do to help. You like to feel that you’re in control, but sharing some of the burden will bring you closer together.
Just like jogging is easier with a partner, saving money is more fun when you do it with someone else. Plus, the extra conscience always comes in handy. Consider it a coworker relationship, since it is about money, after all, and start picking out likely candidates. The pool to choose from is surprisingly large.