Daily Forecast Virgo 10-18


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Although you’re ordinarily the very soul of caution, especially when it comes to financial affairs, you’re suddenly feeling rather incautious. That doesn’t mean you should be any less wary of strangers bearing gifts, however, no matter how convincing their pitch. In fact, at this moment in time you might want to be even more careful. Think of it as watching out for your future, and don’t let anyone sweet-talk you out of it.

Singles Lovescope

If a short-term plan falls apart, look at the longer view and revisit your vision for it. Consider a slight change of approach to your love life, perhaps allowing for a little more imperfection.

Couple Lovescope

It’s hopes and wishes that provide the ecologically friendly, high-efficiency fuel that drives your relationship. With respect at the wheel and love beaming from your headlights, you’ll go far.


Do you really have any problems? If you do, you should be the last to know. Spend the day in deep denial, doing as little as possible. That’s the only hope you have that karma will catch up to your situation before it’s too late.



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