Daily Forecast Virgo 10-19


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Is it a case of mistaken identity, or are you just really seeing this person’s true colors for the first time? Play detective when it comes to the past. In light of their recent behavior, you may no longer dismiss some erratic or inconsiderate behaviors as “just one of those things.” In fact, it could be part of a pretty clear pattern. Now that you have the evidence assembled in front of you, you have to decide what to do next. Let your conscience be your guide.

Singles Lovescope

There’s more than one right way to date, mate, and relate. What works for your best friend may not work for you. Acknowledge all the possibilities and you’ll feel the pressure start to ease.

Couple Lovescope

When your significant other feels under the weather, it’s up to you to show up with good cheer and hot soup. Lend a hand to run errands and get extra work done. Keep the tissue box nearby and orange juice flowing.


Money isn’t the only thing you’re stressed about. Your boss is in the soup, too. While the worries of the day might not make you feel like drawing any extra attention to yourself, be sure if you do it’s in a flamboyant, flashy and fun way only.



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