Daily Forecast Virgo 11-02


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s often been said that you Sagittarians are the ‘favorites of the Gods’ because you’re their clowns. Well, that might or might not be true, but that clownish way certainly has gotten you out of more than one difficult situation with mere mortals in the past, hasn’t it? You might want to pull that talent out of the closet today, if a tough situation comes up, it will work wonders.

Singles Lovescope

The way to get ahead right now, especially when dealing customer service, is to be nice. Being a jerk will get you nowhere. You can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. Don’t scream into the phone. Ask pleasantly and calmly for satisfaction.

Couple Lovescope

Your mind is in overdrive, but don’t get caught up in the chatter. Repetitive thoughts aren’t a reflection of what’s really going on in your relationship. They reflect what you think is true but not truth itself.


You’re stumped. If you just can’t seem to make up your mind, ask for some input from others. Friends are there to help you decide on everything from a big ticket item to a haircut.



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