Virgo Daily Forecast

Express yourself in new and creative ways today. It has been quite a while since you’ve just let loose and felt free to say what you feel, and you’re overdue for some prime spotlight territory. Now is the time to make declarations, stake your claim, and make sure the world hears you. Whether you choose to share your true self through your wardrobe, musical tastes, or some other way, make it a celebration. You’re a truly unique voice in this world. Don’t forget that!
Today finds you lost in daydreams, and what daydreams they are! Your subconscious is working overtime to bring your some very vivid images. If anything in those daydreams seems worth turning into reality, pursue it!
You want what you want when and how you want it — is that so much to ask? Well, it might be, especially if you’re ordering your darling around like he or she is a mere minion. It’s time to draw back on your firepower.
You’re trying to help but saying all the wrong things. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all. The object of your attention is perfectly capable of handling their own finances. Repeat as necessary.