Daily Forecast Virgo 11-13


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Here’s a mixed bag: you’re feeling especially secretive and especially chatty at the same time. Go figure. There’s obviously only one thing to do, which is find yourself someone you’ve both confided in and been a confidant to in the past, sit them down, and ask them to listen. Just listen. You’re usually the very soul of sympathy and understanding, the one everyone comes to with their problems. Well, it’s your turn now.

Singles Lovescope

Get straight to the heart of the matter. Amid all the chitchat you need to take conversations deeper and learn more. What do they really mean and what’s really going on here between you?

Couple Lovescope

Nobody knows your baby the way you know your baby. Then again, you do like to be surprised now and then. Is it possible to feel both ways about your beloved? Of course it is! That’s why love is so much fun.


An investor’s got to do what an investor’s got to do. Circumstances force you to pull your rabbit out of your sleeve. That’s okay, though, because hidden talents are of no value until put to good use.



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