Daily Forecast Virgo 11-25


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Are you feeling somewhat underappreciated recently? That’s perfectly understandable. You’ve been working yourself to death and not giving your people the chance to reply in kind. Have a little more confidence in your friends and they should come through and remember that you’re worthy of support! When you learn to give them the chance to be generous, you may find yourself getting more attention and support than you could hope for.

Singles Lovescope

Someone wants to find out how to get with you, but the truth might be hard for them to hear. They’re just not the one for you at this time. Be gentle yet firm when you tell them.

Couple Lovescope

It’s romantic to follow your heart. Just be careful not to follow it off a cliff. Losing yourself in your partner’s life is a dangerous path to take. Start focusing on your own dreams and making them a reality.


Your energy is all wrong, and money just isn’t flowing. That it’s bigger than you is no consolation. But while making yourself right with the universe won’t make you rich today, it will make you feel better.



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