Daily Forecast Virgo 12-14


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

That old advice about not talking to strangers doesn’t really apply to you. In fact, at the moment, talking to new folks is both simple to do and amazingly rewarding. If you’re at a shop, ask someone for help deciding what looks right. If you’re waiting for a train, ask that interesting-looking person what’s new in their world. On the job, make chitchat with someone you’ve never dealt with before. New connections bring remarkable opportunities.

Singles Lovescope

A little modesty goes a long way today. Some folks around you take credit for every tiny detail, but you already know the best endorsement is a genuine one. Let your fans do the talking.

Couple Lovescope

Have you been meaning to talk with your partner about your feelings? The stars are on your side now and the words flow easily. Keep the mood light and they’ll be receptive.


If it has to do with making money, it seems like you could raise the dead. But when it comes to romance — not so much. But that shouldn’t stop you. All of your hard work will finally pay off, and in a way that has lasting value. Enjoy.



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