Daily Forecast Virgo 12-17


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Today, you might need to step up and get everyone on the same page. Re-center the group. Luckily, your leadership energy is at an all-time high! Focus on getting all the different personalities in sync, with the same goal. Make a plan that everyone can stick to. And if someone complains, don’t take it personally. Listen to your dissatisfied group members just as closely as you listen to the ones who fawn all over you, doling out praise. In fact, you can often learn more from the dissenters.

Singles Lovescope

You’re making these decisions into a much bigger deal than they are. Lighten up! When it comes to your love life, you’re in the driver’s seat. Enjoy all the choices!

Couple Lovescope

Your significant other values you for many reasons. One of the biggest? You have your head on straight. They’ll likely be coming to you soon to get your wise perspective and some of your sage advice.


You need a change of pace, if not a change of planet. The bottom line you’re toe to toe against all week is unambiguous. For today, let yourself dwell in the land of puzzles, riddles and illusions.



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