Daily Forecast Virgo 12-18


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Keeping your options open is usually a smart thing to do, but if you have any travel planned right now, you need to finalize things as soon as you can. Prices and availability are bound to change soon, and if you want to get what you want, you need to act fast. Quick action is also required in one of your work relationships. You need to give someone some information before they can move forward on a project. Make sure that you communicate clearly and in writing.

Singles Lovescope

Take care of work before play, or at least make a good show of it. Make sure that your priorities are in order and your schedule well managed. You should have plenty of time for fun.

Couple Lovescope

While you’re usually a social creature, evenings home alone, just the two of you, sound more fun than going out now. Besides, you save money, too.


You have so much to do you’ll have to remind yourself to take a break. And do remind yourself, because all work and no play makes anyone more than dull. You need all the energy and good health you can manage to face the coming days, so be sure to factor that in.



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