Daily Forecast Virgo 12-19


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

This is a day to use however you wish. Like the middle square on a bingo card, it can make you a winner in several different ways. But the Universe doesn’t hand these days out so you can waste them on housework or reorganizing your sock drawer. Cherish this time and use it to get closer to the people around you. Spend the day sharing ideas and expressing your feelings. Whether they are good or bad, your inner thoughts ought to be heard.

Singles Lovescope

You’re driven by ambition, but romance demands a lighter touch. Save the bold moves for the working world and let that personal situation evolve at its own pace.

Couple Lovescope

Something you do or say is going to double your partner’s affection for you, and most likely you won’t even see it coming. You can be quite the charmer largely because you’re not trying to charm.


Be open to change, especially in the planning stages. Someone thinks your designs are unrealistic. You should listen to them, if only to exercise a modicum more flexibility than you are known for.



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