Daily Forecast Virgo 12-25


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You always behave well around your boss, but how well do you act when you’re around your co-workers? Spies among them are a possibility, so make sure you’re being good today. You should definitely avoid getting involved in any idle office gossip. Steer clear of people who just love to complain but hate to offer suggestions on how to make things better. Changing your tune is easy when you realize that a better attitude equals a better career.

Singles Lovescope

A sweet treat feels awesome, but not for someone else – for you! You give until it hurts and now it’s time to be more generous with yourself. You’ll feel much better, and it should show in your glow!

Couple Lovescope

Going through old emails will remind you of someone from your past, and you might feel the impulse to contact them again. Ask yourself if you’ll benefit or just open up old wounds.


They say that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. You’ve been brought from the heights down to the ground. Keep your eyes open for anything that may be glinting in the dirt.



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