Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Cold logic is for math problems and science fair projects, not for introducing new people into your life! The next time you’re thrust into a large social group with little warning, don’t put up your guard. Stop trying to size up people before you open up. Walk into the room with your mind and heart wide open. It’s time to let your warmth and compassion do the talking. They create and inspire much more interesting conversations than critical thinking ever could.
Why not give a favorite book to someone you’re interested in? You don’t have to do it in a dramatic way. Just drop it off with a note letting them know why they might like it.
Forcing loving feelings for your partner is exactly the action that will kill love dead. Take a step back. You have to be able to acknowledge that all relationships have a shadow side. The love is there and it’ll return.
It takes something completely unexpected to keep you from accomplishing your goals today. That something is worth the break. An old friend or colleague brings up feelings better than any money can buy. Enjoy.