Aries Daily Forecast

Try to avoid flighty people today, especially in social situations. Their unfocused energy could cause you to lose your focus too, and that wouldn’t be good for the positive momentum you’ve been enjoying! If a certain friend has promised to meet you somewhere but you have a feeling they either won’t show or will make you wait longer than you want, call them and reschedule or cancel outright. Friends who are true friends won’t have a problem with it.
Enjoy today to the fullest by staying smart about it all. Overindulging slows you down too much. Meeting people goes better for you when you take time to really listen and share your good energy.
Step up to the plate. Ask for what you need instead of expecting that your partner will somehow know. Presuming isn’t fair to either of you, and it puts unnecessary stress on the relationship.
You’ve lost your intellectual connection with money. You used to know where it was and where it was headed. Join the club. The best you can hope for is to keep track of your own budget.