Virgo Daily Forecast
It’s way too easy for you to get caught up in the daily minutiae of life. Try to regain your perspective by helping someone else today. It could mean volunteering for a big community organization, mentoring a child, or writing a check. Whatever form it takes, today is definitely the day to think about service to humanity as a whole.
While you have no problems talking with friends, your family seems to be a black hole of conversation. Talking easily turns into yelling or uncomfortable silence. Think about how to help the flow.
You’re feeling better than ever, and you should easily be able to share those good emotions with your partner. Try to make sure that you’re spending as much time listening as talking, though!
The future is now. Things may not look the way you always imagined they would, but they do make sense on some level. The universe is doing some housecleaning and your best bet is to be a willing participant.