Sagittarius Daily Forecast

After your recent behavior, those closest to you have almost no idea what to expect next, but that’s exactly the way you like it! Today, just for a change of pace (and to keep them off balance), try a fast one-eighty and get suspiciously concerned with tasks, chores, and careful attention to detail. That ought to teach them to think they’ve got you figured out!
Romance can seem so serious sometimes, all the more reason to forget about it and have some silly fun! Take a young relative to a children’s museum or your local playground. It’ll do wonders for your spirits.
Endlessly bragging to friends about your partner’s accomplishments is a dead giveaway that you’re too immersed in your partner’s life. Be proud but don’t advertise.
Don’t give an ardent response to a business prospect that’s simply doing a bit of light exploring. Bowling them over won’t be impressive. Think of their overture as you would a flirtatious glance in a bar — nothing more, nothing less.