Libra Daily Forecast
If you experience some friction with an authority figure today, stand tall. Don’t let them intimidate you. They aren’t any smarter than you. They just know things that you don’t know, and there is a difference between the two situations. As long as you’re polite, you can insist on defending what you think. Your input is valuable even when it’s not exactly welcome, so don’t you dare apologize for voicing your dissent. Even if you’re wrong, at least they know that you care.
Do something totally out of the ordinary and be exactly who you want to be today. A stark but sweet transformation is a distinct possibility. Are you ready for it?
You’re going to have a hard time getting through to each other. The intensity will be directly related to the amount of time you’ve been together. If it’s still new, things should still be easy; otherwise, it’ll take some work.
You’ve had enough time to sit around and think about the near future. It’s time to consider that moment has officially begun. In other words, no more dawdling and planning head. It’s time to take action. No more waiting for divine inspiration, either.