Cancer Daily Forecast
You need to start listening to that nagging voice inside of your head a little bit more often! Sure, it might be telling you things that you don’t want to hear, but it knows who you really are — and it will always lead you to what you really need in life. It may take time to get there, but soon you will be standing upon a firm foundation of self-awareness and self confidence. So ignore what other people are trying to tell you to do. Follow your gut.
It’s not the best day to make a work deal, and the same applies to matters of the heart. Be noncommittal while you get some clarity about the situation. It’s your prerogative.
You need to know what you’re looking for before you can find it. If you’re feeling lost, talk to your partner. They can help you sort through your confusion and help you figure out what you really want.
Of course, it’s always all about money. While you were totally emotional, others remained aloof. If this made you feel like they had the upper hand, then try to go for intellect yourself.