Cancer Daily Forecast

This is definitely a time for intellectual stimulation. You just can’t get enough information into your system today. You are the perfect student, eager to examine the alternatives and weigh every aspect of a question. Join a discussion group, visit a chat room, or enroll in classes. Don’t be afraid to ask a question, even at the risk of appearing somewhat silly. The motto for the day is “Knowledge reigns supreme!”
Consider this romantic situation you’re entering. Is it too easy? Do you feel desperate? If so, think about stepping back. Avoid mistakes early to prevent disaster later. When one door closes, another opens.
Many people are trying to get your attention right now. Make sure your partner knows that they’re your priority. Taking someone for granted is never good for the long-term health of a relationship.
You wish you could be somewhere else. In fact, you’d go so far as to swap lives if you could. Instead of focusing on someone who looks like a likely candidate, focus on ways to improve your own.