Virgo Daily Forecast

Think back to a time when someone inspired you. You know, that person who helped you understand what you were capable of and pointed you in the right direction. Get in touch and thank them for the time they so generously gave you. Then pick someone in your life for whom you can play the same role. It’s time to put your energy toward mentoring someone the way you were mentored. You’re capable of inspiring people, getting them thinking, and setting them off down the right path.
Spend some time updating your profile on dating apps. Check out who has viewed yours recently, and if they seem interesting, check them out right back!
Planning of all sorts is favored now, whether it’s a personal agenda that will make you a better partner or a tandem one that takes the two of you into the future. Put your mind to it!
You can take a financial risk as long as it’s only a minor one. A small impulse buy won’t break your bank, but a new car just might. As long as you keep your cool you can let yourself venture out into the marketplace. If you think you may be overcome, don’t risk it.