Gemini Daily Forecast
You could be given quite a bit of power today, but be careful with how you wield it. Keep your wits about you and try not to get caught up in all the things you have the ability to do. Think instead about what you need to do. Your ego needs to stay grounded, and you need to stay humble. And if you’re leading other people, don’t push them into groups. Challenge them to form their own teams for their own reasons. If you trust people more, they will trust you more.
You’re in a great mood, and your energy should draw the right people your way. Think less about romance and more about enjoying yourself for now. Don’t worry about getting serious until you’re sure.
Not everything is as it seems in life or in love. That goes for you too. You might like to take risks, but you do shy away from them when you’re dealing with love. Think about why that is.
As thickly as those around you are laying on the hospitality, you have to spread the gratitude twice as thick. It’s not bad as far as problems with companions go, but navigating the etiquette jungle is important today. Be sure you make it look like you’re handling it with ease even if you’re secretly sweating.