Gemini Daily Forecast

Feeling confused or overwhelmed? It’s so tempting to try to make those feelings go away by taking the quickest, handiest action possible, but what you actually need to do is slow down. It feels counterintuitive, but it’s the only thing that will give you the clarity to make the best choice. Look carefully at the situation and examine all sides of it, positive and negative. Now aren’t you glad you didn’t toss the baby out with the bathwater?
You impress somebody with one of your many pressing attributes today. Is it how much you can bench press? Is it that homemade pasta? Is it your low-pressure approach to love?
For you and your sweetie, the waiting is the hardest part. What can you do during this temporary no-fly zone? Get a good book, hang with friends and amuse yourselves until you get the astrological all clear.
If you’re giving up hope and all of your healthy ambition has left for higher ground, then it’s time to focus on something that might actually pay off. Go for romance today, instead of money.