Daily Forecast Libra 04-26


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s more important than ever for you to balance your goals with the goals of other people. You’ve been doing an admirable job of putting your needs behind those of the people you love, but don’t get too carried away. You are responsible for improving your own life too, not just for improving the lives of other people. Going out of your way for the benefit of someone else could also be sending the wrong message about who you are and how much respect you deserve.

Singles Lovescope

You develop relationships at your own pace. If a nosy friend or relative offers unsolicited advice, listen politely, but don’t respond. Getting defensive just piques their curiosity.

Couple Lovescope

If you can’t accept yourself as you are or love yourself unconditionally even when you’re having a difficult day, how can you do the same for another person? Start loving yourself ASAP!


Don’t let yourself get a chip on your shoulder. You know what they say about water under the bridge and crying about spilled milk. Now that you’ve indulged in some overwhelmed paralysis or a grudge or two, it’s time to splash water on your face and move on.



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