Scorpio Daily Forecast
Try to align yourself with an intellectual person today. While their smarts might intimidate you a bit, their insight will inspire you to new levels of greatness. They can help you prevail in any challenging situation, and give you confidence in an area that has always mystified you. Of course, it could be a big challenge to find someone who is smarter than you, but if you keep an open mind about what it means to be smart, you’ll find them soon.
Communicating your feelings to others isn’t always as simple as you’d hoped. As with any skill, it takes practice to sincerely connect with people, especially someone you’re just beginning to get to know. Give it time and be yourself.
You want to spend all your time with your partner, but don’t forget about your family and friends! Spend some time catching up with them. Even better, make a regular time to get together, such as a weekly coffee date.
You’re goal-driven, so you have to come up with some even on a Sunday. But keep them simple, lazy ones. The downtime will be good for your health and the checklist will be good for your ego.