Gemini Daily Forecast
The great meeting of the minds you were expecting today might not materialize unless you push hard to make it happen. Pick up the phone, check your email, and do some good, old-fashioned pavement pounding to ensure that the people you can count on will be there. Making connections with people is of paramount importance today, so be social! There are many degrees of separation between you and an important person. Sort through them now.
Don’t judge that book by its cover. Just because someone is very different from you or doesn’t match up with what you think you’re looking for doesn’t mean that sparks can’t fly. Give them a second chance.
Break out of any habits you and your sweetie have settled into. This isn’t to say that routine is bad. It definitely serves a very solid purpose. But boredom doesn’t help anyone, especially now.
You know enough to avoid schemes in real life but a few good fantasies are an excellent way to escape your financial reality. You’re good, evil and all things in between when it comes to imagining everything from bank heists to lottery winnings. Enjoy the day lost in visions of an imaginary future.